Philipp, what does social responsibility mean to you personally?
Philipp Metz: Today, we live in a world where people in different regions face individually challenging life situations. This can range from homelessness in our region to limited educational opportunities, or even the destruction of one's livelihood due to the effects of climate change in areas such as the so-called Global South. For me, social responsibility begins with an awareness of the different circumstances people face in their lives and the realization that each of us can make a positive difference. It may sound a bit idealistic, but I believe that change starts with oneself and with one's own contribution to the community. I try to regularly question my own routines and to create positive impacts both professionally and personally – because, for me, social responsibility is a matter close to my heart.

How do you try to make positive contributions to society in your daily life?
Philipp Metz: I regularly help with various initiatives organized by Porsche, for example as a volunteer with "Porsche hilft" at the food bank, where people are provided with food and everyday goods. Last year, many colleagues and I supported our internal volunteering campaign by distributing warm meals to people in precarious living conditions together with “Supp_Optimal”. The direct help on the ground and the interaction with people constantly remind me of how important it is to support others because every contribution matters. I want to inspire others to become active themselves through my own efforts.
You've just mentioned two Porsche initiatives – why is it important for companies like Porsche to take on social responsibility?
Philipp Metz: Companies have a societal responsibility. Sustainable business practices encompass ecological, economic, and social aspects. Social engagement is a part of social sustainability. Companies have the ability to join their resources and drive long-term positive changes. In this context, Porsche also seeks to get involved, because people are at the center of our thoughts and actions. We see ourselves as a partner to society by supporting and empowering people who are facing difficult life circumstances in various ways. Our aim is to contribute to the well-being of people and the environment on a global scale. Under the motto "Creating Chances" we focus on three areas: work, life, and dreams. Within these fields, my colleagues from various departments have developed and implemented flagship projects, most of which are based on the principle of "helping people help themselves." This means that we want to empower people with our expertise and financial support so that they can improve their situation independently and in the long term.
In the area of work, your focus is on promoting safe working conditions. How do you go about this?
Philipp Metz: We aim to support people around the world along the value chain of its vehicles and campaigning for good and safe working conditions. For instance, we support individuals involved in raw material extraction, emphasizing occupational safety and the creation of sustainable livelihoods, as seen in the CASCADE project. This initiative, launched by Porsche and Michelin, advocates for greater transparency and better working conditions for smallholders involved in the extraction of natural rubber. CASCADE includes training on efficient cultivation practices, income diversification and occupational health and safety. Since 2021, more than one thousand smallholders have received training through this program.
Let's take a look at another field of activity: How do you provide help in the self-defined thematic area of life?
Philipp Metz: We aim to enable people in different regions of the world to lead a more self-determined life. In the future, we especially want to support communities in the Global South in securing their livelihoods and improving their quality of life. About two years ago, Porsche launched the initiative “Join the Porsche Ride.” Through this initiative, we collaborate closely with NGOs and local organizations to support programs such as educational projects for children and youth, as well as projects aimed at improving working and living conditions in various parts of the world. For example, we have organized workshops to raise awareness about climate change and environmental engagement among children and young people, developed accessible hiking trails for people with disabilities, and supported training programs in occupational safety, health protection, and environmental sustainability.
Porsche is a brand for those who follow their dreams: How can you translate this brand image into your societal engagement?
Philipp Metz: Fulfilling people’s dreams is at the core of Porsche’s identity. This ambition extends beyond our customers. By focusing on education and integration, we aim to strengthen self-realization and ensure future prospects. These areas are essential for enabling empowerment. Additionally, as a sports car manufacturer, we seek to accelerate sports ambitions of young people in a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary manner. Through initiatives like the Porsche youth development program “Turbo for Talents” and the related concept “Talents hand in hand,” we connect youth teams from our partner clubs directly with society. In collaboration with social organizations and regional partners, we address important societal topics such as inclusion, sustainable nutrition, health, and responsible resource management from an early stage.

What societal challenges do you see at the moment, and how can Porsche make a difference here?
Philipp Metz: We face significant social and ecological challenges worldwide. As a company, it is in our interest to closely monitor global societal developments and identify how we can address specific issues as well as providing quick support to people. This also includes taking a clear stance against discrimination. At Porsche, we view our commitment to fairness and political education as part of our social responsibility, and we aim to advocate for openness, respect, and tolerance.
What are your plans and aspirations for the future?
Philipp Metz: In the future, we aim to further expand our international engagement. We place great importance on using our resources to support long-term projects and reach as many people as possible. In 2023, we were able to support over 150 projects worldwide in collaboration with selected markets, which I am very proud of. I hope that at Porsche we continue to harness this drive to give back to others and help them in the long term. One message that is particularly important to me is that everyone can make a positive impact on others. And even better, we can achieve this together by pooling our efforts.
In the interview series "Perspectives on Sustainability", Porsche employees talk about their specialist subject areas. The interview with Philipp Metz is part 12 of the series.